The FLIPPsters are proud to unite in the fight against internet scammers. Having been on the receiving end of many an email from 'His Royal Highness of Far Away Land' we know the importance of cyber security. Thus, when this brief landed from our friends at DDB Sydney, we pulled out all the production bells and whistles, to inform consumers of some of the latest scams that are soooo hot right now.
Speaking mainly to a millennial audience, casting was especially crucial to this campaign. As we always do, the FLIPPsters helped cast from a wide variety of sources to ensure the talent featured reflect the Australia we know - diverse and proud.
We feel so lucky to work with crew who are best in kind... too many of whom there are to name. However in this instance we must give props to Director Karima Asaad, Fashion Stylist Kelvin Harries and Props Maker Dallas Maurer. Both of whom went above and beyond to make each of these spots sing scam. A big thank you to all our other crew. You are all anti-scam super heroes. To security and beyond!